My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Coaching with the Stars: Where Law of Attraction and Astrology Meet!

Leverage the guidance in your Astrological Chart with 
Law of Attraction Coaching
with Maria Lesetz, Law of Attraction Coach & Jen Williams, Astrologer


Have you ever wondered if there's meaning in the stars?

Would it intrigue you to know that you can use astrology to your advantage and create a more joy-filled life with the information that’s in your horoscope?
Astrology and the Law of Attraction are valuable tools that can help guide you on the path to living out your greatest dreams and desires.

The combination of Astrology and Law of Attraction Coaching offers
an ABUNDANCE of synergistic benefits:
·      A holistic approach to life enrichment guidance that takes into account your personal astrological chart blended with professional coaching to help you get out of your own way and step into your greatness.

·      The ability to leverage the knowledge that exists within your personal astrological chart and unlock the potential that is within your heart and soul.

·      Personalized guidance from an expert Astrologer and Certified Life Coach, where your personal fears, doubts and questions are addressed in a private session filled with an abundance of positive energy, paving the way for infinite opportunities to achieve your dreams.
With the magical combination of LOA Coaching + Astrology you can:
·      Gain great insight into self and others
·      Find the best time to accomplish a task or launch that business idea you have
·      Uncover your unique skills and talents
·      Discover areas of creative potential
·      Make the best use of the Universal energy (e.g., What’s coming up energetically?  Where are the best areas to focus your energy at this time?)
·      Obliterate doubts and worries that creep up and get in the way of your success

Schedule your private LOA Astrology session
for ONLY $147


Our Astrological chart is a dynamic map of possibilities,
but we are the ones that create our future.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Midlife can be ROCKIN': 5-week Teleclass Launching!!!

From MidLife Crisis to MidLife Awesomeness
Rockin’ the 2nd half of life on your terms … your way, your dreams, 
your JOY!

5-week Teleclass Series
Starting April 4th at 10:00 am PT / 12 Noon CT/ 1:00 pm ET!

          with Maria Lesetz  &  Laura Gates-Lupton, 
Certified Life Coaches

Are you ready to shift the paradigm from feeling like you are in a MIDLIFE CRISIS
EAGERLY ANTICIPATING a ROCKIN’ 2nd half of your life?

Do you feel like something is missing and that you lack direction on what’s next, with nothing specific to look forward to? 

Are you dissatisfied with your career or current job and looking to find out how to do more of what you love and follow your bliss?

This class is for you if you are a woman who finds herself at that point in her life that you personally define as “midlife,” but you are longing for something more!  

You are asking the question "What's next" and you are feeling ...

* Lackluster and a lack of fulfillment in your life

* Like there is not enough time in the day to be the person that you want to be!

* Tired, with little to no "self-care" regimen

* Less than optimistic about this next phase of your life

* A sense of declining health or an expectation that you may have to deal with less than optimal health as you age.

* A lack of connection in your marriage, of that your relationship is not as exciting as you would like it to be.  It lacks the “spark,” and the intimacy.

The list can go on ...

But it doesn’t have to be that way!  You can start right now to change the path of your 2nd half of life.  And Maria Lesetz & Laura Gates-Lupton are going to teach you HOW in this 5-week teleclass series which begins on Thursday, April 4th at 10:00 am Pacific Time / 1:00 pm Eastern Time.

You can decide RIGHT NOW that your 2nd half of life is going to be the best journey of your life.

How does that sound?

You are in for a treat.  Maria Lesetz & Laura Gates-Lupton have a power-packed teleseries planned just for you that is going to ROCK YOUR WORLD!

In this 5-week teleclass series, you will …

- Get coached by two extraordinary high energy coaches who understand midlife (even though they feel like they are only 30!) and who are going to help you pivot that lackluster feeling to an inspired feeling, one that is mixed with excitement, eager anticipation and a brand new positive outlook on your future.  You will truly feel like you are heading into the best part of your life!  

- Learn how to leverage the Law of Attraction in your favor so that you can create the 2nd half of your life on your terms, so that what you do from here on in is aligned with pure joy.

-       Embrace being happy now, despite any bumps in the road so that you can pave the way to create the life you desire to have from here on in.

-       Learn specific techniques that will help you to improve your overall state of health, increase your energy level and reduce stress.  (Leverage the Mind/Body connection in your favor)

-       Increase personal fulfillment, significantly carving out “ME TIME” … time to refresh, rejuvenate, and nurture your health and soul. 

-       Define your personal truth for midlife … how do you want it to be?  Gaining great clarity around what it is you truly desire.

-       Enhance intimacy of current relationships or if there is a desire, attract that ideal mate!

-       Love yourself more!

- Feel empowered, embracing an "I can do anything" attitude!

This 5-week teleclass series will be like no other you have attended:

Week 1Happiness Despite Obstacles   
(April 4th at 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET)

Week 2:  Great Health & Increased Energy  
(April 10th at 12 Noon PT / 3:00 pm ET)

Week 3:  Personal Fulfillment / Life Purpose / Career  
(April 17th at 12 Noon PT / 3:00 pm ET)

Week 4:  "ME" Time  ... amping up that self-care and self-love
(April 24th at 12 Noon PT / 3:00 pm ET)

Week 5:  Sex / Intimacy   ... adding that "spark" to your relationships
(May 2nd at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET)

From MidLife Crisis to MidLife Awesomeness
Rockin’ the 2nd half of life on your terms … your way, your dreams, 
your JOY!

5-week Teleclass Series starting April 4th, 2013 
at 10:00 am PT / 12 Noon CT / 1:00 pm ET



Monday, February 25, 2013

Law of Attraction Laser Coaching Sessions - a quick Pick-me-up!!

You know those times when you need a "pick-me-up"?  You know what I am talking about.  Sometimes we get into a slump and don't know how to pivot to a better feeling place. 

And for those of you who know how the Law of Attraction works, staying in that slump and focusing only on what you don't want in your life is only going to make you feel worse AND most of all will attract more of the same!

So, I came up with this coaching offer that I thought would be a great option for people like yourself, who may not be ready to hire a coach on a monthly basis, but just needs a motivational coach on the spot.

I call this Maria "Mojo" Coaching, because I am often told by clients and many of my social media followers that my positive energy (my "mojo") is contagious, and that just by reading some of my posts or attending one of my teleconferences, their mood shifts to a better feeling place .. just like that!

So, here you go ... a chance to work with me in laser way ... where the coaching sessions are brief, high energy and off-the-charts motivational, with an intention to set you on that better feeling path so that you can start attracting more of what you do want into your life instead of continuing to attract the same old crap!  (Yeah ... I said it.  Isn't that how you feel sometimes?!!)

If you want a pick-me-up, just click the paypal button below and as soon as I get your payment we will get this party started!  You can purchase just 1 laser session or you can purchase up to 6 laser coaching sessions.  It's up to you!

I'm here to help you be Lovin' Life, despite life's bumps in the road.  That's my mission.  That's what I am passionate about and that is what I am intending for you!

"Happiness is an inside job.  
You don't have to measure it. 
You just have to be it, choose it, embrace it!"  
~ Maria Lesetz

Looking forward to speaking with you soon! :)

~ Maria Lesetz,
Law of Attraction Happiness Coach
& Positive Energy Maven

Number of Coaching Sessions