My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Law of Attraction Lesson: TRUST More!

Sometimes when I need some guidance I just get quiet within myself and ask my higher self a question about the situation in my life that I want to change.

I often get this answer:


Now, it sounds so simple, and I must admit that the first time I got this answer, I said something to the effect of "OK ... but what else can I do?" HA! Sometimes we are so funny. Because we don't realize that our inner guidance is the most powerful tool we have and that the answers do NOT have to be complicated at all. Matter of fact, they can be quite simple.

"Relax, Trust & Let Go" is the most brilliant guidance ANYONE can get. Why? Because when we are so attached to an outcome and we are trying to "make something happen" and get frustrated because it is not happening in our lives, we are rooted in lack and distrust. And from a Law of Attraction perspective our focus is on the fact that it is NOT happening and you know what that means -- we will keep on attracting that "not happening" vibe into our life experience!

We try way too hard. Life is supposed to be fun and attracting our dreams and desires shouldn't be so difficult, unless we make it that way! Many of us believe that achieving our goals has to be "hard" or "difficult". But the only reason why we experience that it is hard, is because we believe it has to be. It's the belief that creates our reality.

My inner guidance was trying to tell me that I need to TRUST MORE that the positive outcome and the desires I have are on their way and that the ONLY thing I need to do is to chill about it all and BELIEVE that "All is Well".

My inner guidance also told me that anytime I felt "off" or started to have those gremlin thoughts or doubts that I should put my hand over my heart and affirm "ALL IS WELL" and that's what I do now and it connects me with a peaceful feeling and a knowing that ALL truly is well! Try it. It may work for you as well.

To your health & happiness,
~ Coach Maria

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, just Beautiful. I couldn't agree more, I can't say its been easy to get to that place, and it may certainly be for others but I had to go through many flaming hoops and see some dark places before I came to the resting place of Trust. Now, I know it has been available all along.....but as I am sure you know, Maria...we can't know until we know! :) I have clients say: "I know I should do that, I know that is good for me, I know, I know..." However, they clearly do not know. We only know what we practice, what we live, what we vibrate. Ideas are not a place of knowing, Ideas are just ideas unless they are explored, practiced, understood and then they become part of us. Beautiful post keep them coming and I hope this is a topic we spend some time on the show with...Best to you. Matt O'Grady
