My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Law of Attraction Tip: When you find yourself dwelling on the past!

As you know, the Law of Attraction is always in action. What you think and feel creates your current reality. So, if you are thinking about the past and feeling bad about it, not only are you making your past the part of your now, but you are also bringing a "lack" or "negative" feeling into your now, which is not going to have a positive impact on your future life experiences.

Today, I was walking through Costco and I found myself thinking about something I manifested in the past and I realized that when I thought about that it didn't make me feel happy or joyous at all. So, being someone who is quite aware of my emotions and how I am feeling in the moment, I right away stopped myself in the act of that "lackful" thought and told myself the following very simple phrase that really helped me to pivot to a better feeling place:

It's a new day!

And as soon as I said this, it activated a feeling within me that said "hey, it's a new day and things can turn on a dime! What happened in the past has nothing to do with the now, unless you make it so!"

WOW ... that felt good!!! And it is a "new day", a "new moment", a new "choice" that we can make to think something different and believe in the positive possibilities of the future.

What we think in the now is where our power resides.

Yes, we are that powerful and only we can change the course of our lives by the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel. It can be that simple if we make it that way.

So, when you find yourself dwelling on the past, just remember this simple phrase:

"It's a new day!"

And remind yourself that "that was then, and this is now" and the two have nothing to do with each other unless we "glue" them together!!!

To your health & happiness,
~ Coach Maria

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