My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Law of Attraction Laser Coaching Sessions - a quick Pick-me-up!!

You know those times when you need a "pick-me-up"?  You know what I am talking about.  Sometimes we get into a slump and don't know how to pivot to a better feeling place. 

And for those of you who know how the Law of Attraction works, staying in that slump and focusing only on what you don't want in your life is only going to make you feel worse AND most of all will attract more of the same!

So, I came up with this coaching offer that I thought would be a great option for people like yourself, who may not be ready to hire a coach on a monthly basis, but just needs a motivational coach on the spot.

I call this Maria "Mojo" Coaching, because I am often told by clients and many of my social media followers that my positive energy (my "mojo") is contagious, and that just by reading some of my posts or attending one of my teleconferences, their mood shifts to a better feeling place .. just like that!

So, here you go ... a chance to work with me in laser way ... where the coaching sessions are brief, high energy and off-the-charts motivational, with an intention to set you on that better feeling path so that you can start attracting more of what you do want into your life instead of continuing to attract the same old crap!  (Yeah ... I said it.  Isn't that how you feel sometimes?!!)

If you want a pick-me-up, just click the paypal button below and as soon as I get your payment we will get this party started!  You can purchase just 1 laser session or you can purchase up to 6 laser coaching sessions.  It's up to you!

I'm here to help you be Lovin' Life, despite life's bumps in the road.  That's my mission.  That's what I am passionate about and that is what I am intending for you!

"Happiness is an inside job.  
You don't have to measure it. 
You just have to be it, choose it, embrace it!"  
~ Maria Lesetz

Looking forward to speaking with you soon! :)

~ Maria Lesetz,
Law of Attraction Happiness Coach
& Positive Energy Maven

Number of Coaching Sessions

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is it worth having the REGRET of not being happy?

Recently one of my Facebook connections shared this link where a palliative nurse recorded the top five regrets of the dying. When I read it, it made me realize that this is why I do what I do! This is why I am a Happiness Coach & a Motivational Speaker.  I want to have a profound positive impact on the quality of people's lives while they are still on this earth so that they have no regrets (or at least few regrets) when that time comes.   My motto ... live with no regrets!  Just learn from the events in your life that didn't quite go as planned and make better decisions in the present moment, so that your future is impacted in a positive way!

Regrets don't feel good, so from a Law of Attraction standpoint, that's not a good thing.  If it doesn't feel good and you continue to feel it, you will continue to attract more things into your life that will not feel good! Makes sense, right?

Many people tell me that they work so hard with little to no rewards or that they are living their life based on what others expect them to do or be, but not what their heart and soul is telling them to do.

I also have people tell me that they are not truly expressing their feelings - that they are "holding back" what they really feel?

Do any of these things sound like YOU?

Please take a moment right now to decide, really decide, that your happiness is the most important thing - that being happy and following your heart's desires will positively impact every single area of your life.  And best part, if you decide this right now, you are paving the way for a more joyous future, one in which you won't have regrets, you will just feel blessed that you are living the life your heart and soul wants you to.

And if you already have regrets, you must make a choice right now to leave those things in the past. Don't keep on bringing the past into your NOW and making it relevant.  Ok, you feel like you have made some mistakes.  So what?  Have you learned from them?  Are you using what you learned to make a better future?  That's the most important thing.  That's the only thing that should be the takeaway from past mistakes.  And here's a re-frame that I am sure you have already heard:  It's not a mistake, it's a lesson.  And you can leverage that lesson to your advantage for your future!

The key to living a life filled with joy instead of regrets is to live in the present moment and appreciate every morsel of your life that is a blessing.  You know which aspects of your life this entails ... the ones that put a smile on your face each and every day.  There are blessings and positive aspects of our lives that we often neglect to give attention to.  Why?  Because we are too focused on what is NOT working in our lives.  We are too focused on what we lack, what we don't have yet.  But that is not going to make you happy.  It's just going to keep you feeling stuck.  Is that what you want?

If you feel you are working too hard, re-evaluate your situation.  Start including some "me time".
And don't tell me that you can't do that.  You can.  You are just choosing to tell yourself a story that you can't do it.  But, what's more important - the quality of your life and how happy you are in any given moment OR how much you work and work really hard?  What's going to matter on that last day you are here on this earth?

If you are living your life for someone else, doing things that they want to do, but not living life for you .. how's that working for you?  Do you feel an ache in your heart, like something important is missing? Of course you do.  You are here to live YOUR life and follow your bliss, enjoying the journey of life.  You will never be happy if you don't live a life that is true to your own heart's desires.

Allow yourself to be happy.  Choose what's right for you and what brings you joy!  If you are afraid to take that first step, contact me.  That's what I am here to do ... to help people like yourself BE HAPPY NOW and pave the way for a better future, one that is aligned with what lights you up and makes this life more enjoyable, enriching and fulfilling!!!

~ Maria Lesetz,  Law of Attraction Happiness Coach