My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to handle REGRETS!

I just read a quote recently that really struck me:

"Never regret anything because at one point it was EXACTLY what you wanted!" ~ Unknown

Think about that for a second. Regrets are all about something we did in the past that NOW we are wishing we didn't OR wishing that we could have a "Do-Over" on that same situation. Do you ever feel like that? I know that I have had those thoughts where I remember something I did in the past where it took me on a specific life path that now, I might be judging and saying "if I only knew then, what I know now, I would have done things differently". Now, what I just described could be considered a regret.

Let's look at a couple of definitions that I found on an online dictionary site (

Regret ... A feeling of disappointment or distress about something that one wishes could be different.

or ... Regret ... A sense of loss and longing for something or something gone.

Sometimes I wish I did do things differently when I look back into the past. But, I also know that when I do that it doesn't feel so good. Feeling regret is low on that emotional scale of JOY. It's actually quite far from the feeling of the "vortex" that Abraham-Hicks talks about in their Law of Attraction teachings. And choosing to be a deliberate creator of my life experiences, I typically catch myself in the act of feeling this way and make the decision to tell myself another story or let go of what happened then and realize that the most important thing that will determine my future life experiences is what I am feeling NOW in this present moment.

And when it comes down to it, regretting something you did in the past isn't going to change your situation. It's just going to keep you feeling distressed, depressed, angry, frustrated, stuck ... all feelings that will ONLY attract to you life situations that will continue to make you feel this way. Remember ... the Law of Attraction simply states "Like attracts like".

Now, going back to the quote I started this blog post with, it essentially is saying that what we regret NOW is something we did back in the past that we actually WANTED to do. WOW ... how profound is that! So, back then, we CHOSE to quit that job, marry or divorce that person, take a risk, start a new business, move to a new location, party a little too much, ... and the list goes on of all the things that we may be regretting that we wish we never did.

My philosophy is that "everything happens for a reason" and that the things that challenge us in life can also help us to grow emotionally and spiritually. Each and every event impacts the next. So you really don't know if that thing you are regretting had to happen in order for you to be where you are today. I can find the blessings in the things that I may consider as regrets. And when I do, I feel so much better. Because I am flipping the story I am telling myself. I am seeing the "gem" in the rough stone that appears dirty, ugly and invaluable. There is always a lesson to be learned and there is always growth that can happen. It's all a matter of how we choose to look at things.

I believe Wayne Dyer says "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change." (or something to that effect). And it's true. You can view your life with a different pair of lenses and all of a sudden, your life would not look as bad as you thought it was before you chose to put on those "positive, feel good" lenses. Do you know what I mean?

How do you handle regrets? You choose to view them differently. You choose to see the blessings in all your life events. You recognize that feeling regret is not going to attract to you what you want in your life and that it will only put a pause button on your dreams and desires. You see the beauty in the fact that in each and every moment we are at choice to feel a certain way.

Simply stated ... Regrets don't feel good. And when you don't feel good, you are NOT attracting what you want into your life. So, stop regretting the past and start living in the NOW and realizing the power you have in this present moment to create a fabulous future just by the nature of the thoughts and feelings that you choose to have.

To your Health & Happiness,
~ Coach Maria

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