My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Law of Attraction Tip: Remain Optimistically Delusional!

This is a favorite topic of mine and one I get a kick out of when I read the traditional definition of "delusional". Here's what I found from and


A delusion is a fixed belief that is either false, fanciful, or derived from deception. In psychiatry, it is defined to be a belief that is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process) and is held despite evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, dogma, stupidity, apperception, illusion, or other effects of perception.

1. a mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, belief, etc: he has delusions of grandeur
2. psychiatry illusion See also hallucination a belief held in the face of evidence to
the contrary, that is resistant to all reason
3. the act of deluding or state of being deluded

Both of these definitions imply that being "delusional" is believing in something that is "false" or "misleading" and "resistant to all reason".

This is where I start to have fun with this. Because "being delusional to our advantage" or as I phrased it in my Blog title as "Optimistically Delusional" is actually a really effective tool to use in order to leverage the Laws of Attraction in our favor.

If you believe something, contrary to any evidence that is in front of you, and if what you believe makes you hopeful, empowered, feel good, then why not believe it? Matter of fact, if you chose to NOT believe it, just because there was no evidence in front of you that said this could happen, you would be hindering your manifestation abilities to unfold your dreams and desires.

Think of inventors. Do they see the proof in front of them when they cook up some crazy invention in their head that is going to change the way the world operates? No. They only believe it can happen in their mind. They are "delusional" to their advantage and as a result of their "delusions of grandeur", inventors create things that have a huge positive impact on society.

When we are experiencing contrast in our lives (e.g., having negative experiences in one or more areas of our life that we wish we could change), it is almost a requirement that we embrace the "optimistically delusional" attitude in order to start turning those areas of our life around to the positive.

In the face of adversity, we need to believe in the positive, despite the negative that is in front of us.

I think we should all tap into our inner inventor and create in our minds to our glory. Cook up "delusional" life scenarios that we desire to live out that make our hearts sing. Believe in those scenarios before an ounce of manifestation occurs. Trust that once we dream up these life scenarios that the HOW will unfold with precision and ease.

To your Health & Happiness,
~ Coach Maria

1 comment:

  1. Well written Maria and very creative. I love your insights!
