My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Law of Attraction Tip: Making Peace with What Is!

This is a Law of Attraction tip that I have been sharing and teaching for years with my students and clients. And one that I have embraced over the years that has made quite a positive difference in my life in terms of the quality of the life experiences that I continue to attract into my life.

Many people have a tough time with "making peace with what is" (I used to too!).

After all, how do you make peace with "what is" if "what is" isn't what you want in your life?

What a great question, huh?

On the surface that seems like it would be a difficult thing to do. And it can sure feel that way. But there is a misconception about "making peace with what is". Many people think that this means "giving into it" or "giving up on your dreams and accepting that you will have to put up with what you are dealing with forever". And that's just not the case.

To me, making peace with what is just means that you release a lot of the resistance you have around it. Because we all know that what you resist ... persists. From a Law of Attraction stand point that makes perfect sense because when you are "resisting something" you are giving it A LOT of your attention and focus to it. And what you are giving your attention to is the exact thing that you don't like, don't want, want to get rid of. So, you are rooted in LACK ... lack of thing that you really want. And of course, what do you continue to attract? More of what you don't want; more proof that what you are focusing on is going to continue to stay there.

So "acceptance" and "making peace with" is more about softening the resistance. Now, some people find this easier to do on certain areas of their life, than others. Why would that be? I believe it is because in those areas that feel "difficult", there is a thick web of dis-empowering stories that we are telling ourselves that need to be shifted and changed before we can make that peace and "accept what is". I help my clients to uncover these dis-empowering stories and to re-write them so that they feel so much better and as a result, bring them great relief. Relief is a much better feeling than "resistance" and as a result leads to a shift to a more peaceful, ALLOWING place so that what we can more easily attract what we really want in our lives.

For me, when I rationalize it out and ask myself "Is NOT making peace with this bringing you what you want?" and the answer is a clear "No. It's just making me feel worse", that seems to open up the doorway to the peaceful, AHHHHHH, feeling and a relaxed state of being around the situation. Being a deliberate creator of my life experiences I know how important it is to feel good, so as soon as I recognize that the emotion that I am choosing to hold onto makes me feel worse, I realize that my only job is to improve how I feel.

I also remind myself that there is always a hidden gem in every life situation that I am experiencing and that the sum total of those experiences is what made me who I am today -- which is a strong, passionate, powerful woman who can do anything when she puts her mind to it and has "beaucoup" positive energy to give to others. I appreciate all challenges I have ever experienced, because they have just made me stronger. So, in reality, there is no "bad" or "good" event, they are not to be judged, it is just how we respond to them that makes a difference in how fully we experience life.

I often tweet the following quote that I came up with which summarizes this concept beautifully:

"Make peace with what is, with a clear intention of where you want to go." ~ Lesetz

To Your Health & Happiness,
~ Coach Maria

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