My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Law of Attraction Tip that Many Find Difficult to do=> Let Go of the HOW!

If you are a Law of Attraction student, teacher, expert, I am sure you have heard the advice of "Letting go of the HOW" (i.e., HOW it is going to happen). I teach this to all my students and coaching clients as well. And I often remind myself to LET GO OF THE HOW with some of my big dreams.

However, many people find this quite difficult to do. Maybe that's you. After all, we are a society of "figure out-ers"! We want to know HOW to do something. What are the steps? How do I get "there"?

And sometimes figuring out the HOW is exciting. It feels like we are being productive. It sometimes can feel down right EMPOWERING. But those are not the times that I am talking about when I offer the advice of LETTING GO OF THE HOW. I am referring to those times when we get frustrated by trying to figure it all out. You know the times I am talking about - when you have this goal or dream and you are trying to figure out in that brain of yours ... Maybe a few of these statements sound familiar to you:

"How the heck am I going to achieve that?!

There are so many steps to get there and I don't know all of them.

It feels impossible.

This dream feels HUGE and out of reach.

It feels like "pie in the sky" (This is something one of my Doctor coaching clients told me when she was referring to a goal she had for starting her own side business in the wellness industry.)

Letting go of the HOW is important to do when we are getting caught up in our gremlin thoughts around the HOW and it is frustrating the heck out of us. As Law of Attraction students, we know that "frustration" will not bring us what we want in our lives. At least, it will not bring us the ideal situation. So, if our emotions are our indicators of what we are attracting into our lives, we must do something about that frustration. And the only thing to do when we can't figure out the HOW is to let go of trying to figure it out.

Now, I know that sounds easier said than done. Because many of us are wired (I'm raising my hand here) to get into the nitty gritty details and find the path to making it happen. But often when we do this, coming from that frustration place, we get absolutely nowhere! We feel stuck. Oh yes, I know that feeling of "stuck" - do you?

Feeling "stuck" is more about the nature of our thoughts and feelings than what is going on outside of us. We are "stuck" in the type of thoughts we are choosing to think on a daily basis. So, we have to shake it up a bit. Pivot our thoughts. Turn our focus to something that brings us relief (even if it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the goal at hand).

I use a few techniques, tools, exercises that help my coaching clients (and myself) to let go of the how. These are releasing techniques that help us to feel more at peace and to trust more in the natural process of the unfolding of our dreams.

Letting go of the HOW doesn't have to be that difficult. It's only difficult if we believe it is. I am the type of person where "logic" really resonates with me. So, when I ask myself the following question, I usually LET GO after the answer:

"Is trying to figure out the HOW making you FEEL GOOD?"

Usually, my answer is NO. And once I am aware of that, it is far easier for me to LET GO of figuring out the HOW and to remind myself to TRUST MORE and believe that everything is unfolding in a perfect timing and that my dreams and desires are happening (even if many of the steps are going on behind the curtains and I can't see all of them!).

Before you leave, listen to my brief inspirational video clip, aired on Fox News TV about this very topic: LETTING GO OF THE HOW! Enjoy and please do contact me if you need some guidance with this. I LOVE helping my coaching clients get out of there own way so that they can live out their dreams!

To your Health & Happiness,
~ Coach Maria

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