My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to Stop Worrying!

This is a popular topic to talk about. After all, who do you know that has NEVER worried in their life? I've worried. I'm sure you have too.

There are many people that are chronic worriers. Is that you?

But worrying doesn't really serve any purpose. Matter of fact, you are negatively impacting your future life experiences by worrying all the time. Listen to my latest inspirational video clip that will be aired tonight on Fox News at 10 in Eugene, Oregon. It will definitely get you thinking about stopping that worrying and shifting to a better feeling place! And YES ... it is within your reach!

I can't tell you how many times I have heard from people that "Worry is in my blood" or "I come from a long line of family members who worry constantly". First of all, like I said in the above video clip, WORRY is NOT in your blood. It is a feeling and emotion that you choose to have (whether it feels like you are choosing it or not -- you are). I know, it may feel like you don't know any other way. But, now you do.

You have to start building your "appreciation" muscles instead of feeding that big hairy ugly worry monster which is getting stronger and stronger each time you are concerned about the future!

Here's a great quote from Abraham-Hicks on worrying and appreciating:

"When you are worrying, you are planning. When you are appreciating, you are planning. What are YOU planning?"

I know that when I have worried about something in my life, it never brought me the thing I wanted to happen. It always makes me feel worse and in hindsight when I look back at those worrying times, it also attracted to me more things to be worried about. That's just the Law of Attraction in action, isn't it?

And I want you to know that at times, even as a Law of Attraction Happiness Coach, I find myself falling into that "worry mode". But here's the beauty about knowing about the power we have "to choose how we feel" -- I always catch myself doing it and make a conscious choice in that moment to shift to a more positive place. This is what being a deliberate creator of our life experiences is all about! It's quite empowering!

So, replace that worrying with appreciating what you do have, what you do love about your life. Make a list of all that you ARE grateful for. And next time you find yourself buying into the belief that "worrying is just who you are and the way you are wired", ask yourself "and how's that working for me?" And then, when you realize it is not, choose a belief that is more empowering ... maybe one like:

"I choose what I think and feel and today I am going to reach for a better feeling thought!"

To your Health & Happiness,

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