My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One of the Top Secrets to being Happy ... Stay Grounded in the Present Moment!

Are you really present to the NOW? Do you find yourself thinking about the past or focusing on something that hasn't even happened yet (and you don't even realize you are doing this)? Sometimes we are so focused on thinking about what to do next or focused on something that just happened, that we really don't see what is in front of us!

Listen to my latest Happiness Coaching Tip, aired on Fox News at 10 in Eugene Oregon, about the gift that lies in staying grounded in the present moment:

I know that when I start thinking about the future (especially if I am concerned about how something is going to turn out), it sure doesn't make me feel good. And as I discussed in the previous post about Worst Case Scenario Imagining, it is DEFINITELY not going to bring me what I want. So, I remind myself in those moments that "ALL IS WELL" right here in this present moment.

And it is. If you really started to think about it, this present moment is pretty darn good! If you are reading this, you have internet access, you have your eyesight, you are breathing, you woke up this morning ... there are so many things to be grateful for right here, right now.

Do what I do when you find yourself thinking about the past or worrying about the future, bring yourself back to the present moment by looking around you and counting all your blessings. Find that place of deep appreciation for WHAT IS. This always works like a charm for me and in that red hot moment I realize that ALL truly is WELL!

There is nothing that you can do about what already happened in the past. And as far as the future, we all know that as deliberate creators, what we think in this present moment will impact the future. So, why not have peaceful, loving, "All is Well" thoughts right now and attract the same type of future life experiences?!

And anyway, if you continue to have one leg in the past and one leg in the future ... where does that leave you? Doing a great big split that will really hurt!!!

Embrace the present moment!

To your Health & Happiness,
~ Maria

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