My Fox News TV Interview on Choosing Happiness!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Law of Attraction - Opening up to Infinite Possibilities!

I recently wrote an article for my Lovin’ Life e-Zine called "Who's to Say?!" and it was inspired while I was watering my beautiful garden.

I realized that anything can happen when you are "in the vortex" (as we LOA'ers call it) -- which basically means that when we are feeling good and Lovin' Life, no matter what we are doing, we are opening the doorways to all our dreams, even if that action step is not even closely related to our goal. For example, if I am watering the garden and feeling pure joy doing it, I could be creating pathways and opportunities for further growing my business.

This article is meant to expand your mind, open you up to infinite possibilities, make you realize that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE when you make feeling good your #1 priority. And feeling good is always a choice that you have in this red hot moment. It's all about choosing thoughts and feelings that are more aligned with joy as opposed to thoughts and feelings that are aligned with all the things that you don't want or don't like about your life. Those thoughts and feelings take you further away from your desires and dreams.

So, I hope you enjoy this article as much as my Lovin' Life e-Zine subscribers did!

Here's what I wrote:

Featured Article: Who's To Say?!
by Maria C. Lesetz, Law of Attraction Health & Happiness Coach

* Who’s to say that you can’t be watering your garden and as a result of that pure joy you have when doing this, you get a new client and your business continues to grow along with your flowers?

* Who’s to say that you can’t be doing absolutely nothing (but thoroughly enjoying that “nothing”) and as a result one of your biggest dreams start to unfold?

* Who’s to say that “goofing off” is not productive? What if “goofing off” and loving every minute of it was the most productive thing you could do?

* Who’s to say that daydreaming is futile/useless and is only for the lazy people who want to live in their delusional world? What if living in that “delusional world” is exactly what will bring you what you want in life?!

* Who’s to say that you have to join a dating site to meet your perfect mate? Maybe you just have to follow what will bring you joy for that day, go to a coffee shop and enjoy your coffee with your favorite scone and BAM .. he or she just shows up?

* Who’s to say that you have to eat all the right foods to be healthy? What if you just had to think the right thoughts to do the same? What if having that healthy and fit body wasn’t so damn hard and it was easier than you thought?

* Who’s to say that when you are diagnosed with a chronic health condition that it has to change your life for the worst? You can treat it like “just another bump in the road” like I did and turn it into one of your greatest success stories!

* Who’s to say that growing your business is about doing all the right marketing things? What if growing your business was conditional on one thing and one thing only … that you were feeling JOY with every action step you take?

* Who’s to say that you can’t have it all? Maybe you can “have it all” and then some!

* Who’s to say that when your day didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to that it was a wasted day? Maybe those series of events that seemed like pointless detours are the exact pathway to manifesting what you want… if only you could RELAX about how your day went and embrace the attitude of “it is what it is”!

* Who’s to say that the YOU have to figure it all out? What if YOU just made feeling good your #1 priority and as a result of that the Universe delivered to you the HOW of unfolding your dream!

* Who’s to say that money can’t just show up out of nowhere? It happens all the time. It can! I am sending you a “You’ve Got Money” vibe right now! You just have to be open to receiving money by loving your life and treating money with abundant love, knowing that it will always be there to take care of you.

* Who’s to say that you have to work hard to get all the luxuries of life? I know people that “play hard” and get all the same things. And they are happier than the ones that work hard! Isn’t happiness the ultimate goal any way? Isn't being happy the "luxury" we all are looking for?

* Who’s to say that anything that you believe that doesn’t feel good is the law of the land? It isn’t! If it doesn’t feel good, then you need a new story and that my friend, is the key to getting everything you want!

Sending you abundant HUGS and Lovin' Life vibes that are felt at every cell of your body!

© 2010 Maria Lesetz

FEEL FREE TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE, just be sure to credit me by including the following blurb with the article in its entirety: Maria Lesetz, a Health & Happiness Coach who specializes in Law of Attraction techniques, publishes a monthly Lovin' Life ezine full of tips to help you reduce stress, lose weight, overcome challenges with a chronic health condition, experience more joy each day, and make conscious choices in your life that will help you to manifest all your desires and dreams! Visit for your free subscription.

I felt the above article was a great way to start my new blog of Law of Attraction Daily Lessons.

So, today's lesson is "go do something that puts a smile on your face" and know that with every action step you take that is aligned with joy, you are creating the pathway to your dreams!

To your health and happiness,
~ Coach Maria

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